For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...
Mark 10:45
There are many opportunities to serve at Shelton! We believe serving in one of our ministries or going on one of our mission trips will help you grow in your faith.

Service Opportunties
You can browse the opportunities below to get a glimpse of how you can connect and serve at Shelton!
Children and Youth
We are always looking for volunteers to serve in our children and youth ministries. You can serve in our nursery, help with children's church, or serve on Wednesday nights in various ways!
Worship and Technology
Are you musically inclined or just enjoy singing? We have a choir that sings every Sunday morning! Are you tech savvy? We would love to have you help us serve our members through our audio and video team.
Shelton Baptist Church loves our city and our world! We reach out to our community through VBS, the local schools, and other local mission projects. Our WMU ladies also organize outreach opportunities for our community. We also take the gospel to the nations through Operation Christmas Child, mission trips, and through our missions partnerships.
As Southern Baptists, we participate in various missions offerings in order to share the gospel across our state, nation, and world. We accomplish this through our annual offerings such as: Margaret Lackey Offering for State Missions, Annie Armstrong Easter Offering, and our Lottie Moon Christmas Offering.