And he said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.”
Matthew 4:19
The Adult ministry at Shelton Baptist Church is here to help you become a fully devoted follower of Jesus. We believe you need healthy Christian community to be able to grow and be equipped to carry out the mission of God in your life. Join us for our weekly Sunday or Wednesday gatherings! We also have various events through out the year to get connected.

Weekly Schedule
Sunday Mornings
Our Adult Sunday School classes are designed for you to grow in your faith in the context of community. We believe having other believers to help you follow Jesus is vitally important for your relationship with God. We have a class for all age groups so we invite you to join one!
Wednesday Nights
Our adults gather on Wednesday nights for prayer, Bible Study, or topic specific studies. This is a perfect opportunity for you to take a next step in your faith.